Monday, December 7, 2015

Resolutions Never Work!

Last year around this time I wrote a blog saying that I would do my best to write more blogs in 2015. Well, as you can tell, that didn't happen. I am going to try to write more in 2016.

My 2015 was busy, chaotic and fully of wonderful change.

December 2014: 
In December my sister, brother-in-law, my nephews, and I all traveled to Florida to spend Christmas with my father and Jen. The road trip down was stressful, fun and chaotic all at the same time. We had a wonderful time, looking at lights, hiking through the Ocala National Forest, Santa Selfies, and wrapping presents as a family. I have always enjoyed Christmas with my family and even though it was in a warm, no snow-Florida, it was a ton of fun!

Christmas lights in downtown Ocala. 
Presents everywhere 

Santa Selfie

Florida Views

In January I traveled to Washington D.C. to celebrate a friends 30th birthday. It was fun to see the Shewcrafts and spend sometime with all of them.

Judy, Bonnie's wonderful Mother-in-Law
Bonnie and Scott Shewcraft

Although work was going well at the Old Town Commercial Association, I was realizing that the long nights and weekends were not a schedule I was ready to continue to keep. I decided that it was time to start looking for another position. The search lasted a few months, but I did find another position.

With March came Otis' birthday. A toddler was turning into a little boy. It was very evident in how he began carrying himself. To me it seemed like it happened over night, although I am sure to Amanda it that wasn't the case.  With Otis' birthday came a new tradition, spending an afternoon with each boy for their birthday instead of a present. It was their choice and so far, it has been a lot of fun.

Otis after his second hole in one. 
During April I traveled to Atlanta for the Main Street National Conference. It was a ton of fun, filled with some amazing information. While I was there I was offered another position with a different company. It was a position that on paper seemed like one I could not refuse, so I ended up accepting. 
However, I took a multitude of notes that I passed down to the new Executive Director, and even helped to train the interim Director. 
Atlanta wasn't all work and no play; I was able to go to the College Football Hall of Fame. A great place to visit if you are a college football fan. 

Wall of Helmets

National Trophy

While in Atlanta I was also able to tour the Coke museum. There were some pretty cool things there. You were able to sample some coke products from all different countries. There are some pretty nasty coke products out there.

Me and the Coke Bear
Wall of Coke TVs.

Sam turned 11 in May! He is 11, a pre-teen...ahhh! Our day together was spent playing mini golf, getting lunch, and Cold Stone ice cream. Next year will be go-carts, he was too young to drive one on his own this year. 
I started my new position with a local credit union, Marketing Manager, in May. I had a trip planned at the end of May and I negotiated to be able to go without taking any of my vacation time. I went to Aruba for a former coach's wedding, with my bestie Kathy Lynch. We were there for seven days and six nights. We stayed at an all inclusive resort; it was amazing and completely relaxing. 

The group of wedding guests were a ton of fun and I met some amazing people; who I continue to keep updated on thanks to Facebook.

The trip was wonderful until my second to last night there when I ran into the ocean (a little tipsy) and sprained my ankle.
My souvenir from the trip. 

Sitting idle is not something I like to do. So in June Amanda and I took a quick trip to Pennsylvania to help my father move my grandmother into a retirement community. She loved the community, but we needed to clean out my dad's childhood home to be able to sell it. Since I sprained my right foot and driving was difficult it was determined that Amanda would drive to Penn. Well a few days before we were supposed to leave she dropped a farm tool on her right foot and broke her pinky toe.  We ended up having matching boots.

I ended up driving us because my injury had a little more time to heal. So either way, we made it to Pennsylvania.

Sunny days on the beach 
July was not a month to slow down. Josh and I took a very quick trip to North Carolina to spend some time with his mother, sister, niece, and nephew at a beach house. We drove down on a Wednesday, arrived at midnight, spent Thursday and Friday with his family and on the beach, and then drove back Saturday and Sunday. We decided not to try to make the trip back in one day, the 15 hours drive is exhausting.

August brought some changes and a little bit of loss. I had started to realize the credit union was not the place for me. I wanted a company I could retire from with a culture I thrived in, and that was not the case where I was. I decided to start looking for a new opportunity and before I could really search the ideal position fell in my lap. For years while working at the American Cancer Society I interacted and worked with a local moving company. It was evident then that they valued community and their employees. When I became unemployed I knew this was a company I wanted to work for. At the time there were no openings that fit my experience. When I started looking for position in August, they had recently posted a Communications and Content Marketing Manager position. I knew the manager of the department and quickly applied for it. I was hired in mid-August and started the first Tuesday in September. I have enjoyed every day since. 

For months Josh and I had talked about moving in together. In August this came to life. There were some weeks of house prep; cleaning out some closets and turning a not so finished basement into a semi finished basement for his "man cave." We got all the chores done and in two phases he moved his stuff in. We have been living together since and we are both enjoying not having to drive back and forth between houses. 

In the end of August my Grandmother passed away. Amanda, Matt, the boys and I all traveled to Pennsylvania for her funeral and to give my father some loving support. She was a spunky, caring, opinionated, and compassionate person. She lived a long life and died in her mid-nineties. She was loved and the world will be a much less interesting place without her.

Bare Naked Ladies 
In September I started my new job.  The day I started I was sent to a three day conference in Cleveland, Ohio. The conference covered content marketing, but they also scheduled in some fun. The first night there was an evening program at the Rock n Roll Hall of Fame and the second night was a Bare Naked Ladies Concert. Both things I wouldn't have done otherwise, but really enjoyed.
Rock n Roll Hall of Fame exhibit 

October was an adjustment period. An adjustment to living with my boyfriend and to my new job. For the first time in years I didn't go to my sisters for Halloween. Instead, I stayed home to hand out candy; I only got about 10 trick-or-treaters, not counting my nephews.

For Thanksgiving Josh and I went to Amanda's. It was a Thanksgiving with siblings only, no parents (unless you count Matt and Amanda). It was Matt, Amanda, Matt's brother Andy and sister-in-law Marge, and Josh and I. Of course the boys were there too. The afternoon was filled with foods, drinks, nerf gun fights, dancing and some ugly sweaters. Couldn't ask for a better holiday.
For the rest of the weekend Josh and I hibernated at home. We decorated for Christmas and relaxed... it was perfect.

Although most of December hasn't happened yet, there isn't a whole lot planned. Arlo just turned 9... I can't believe it, he is 9! I was at his birthday party and will spend the coming Saturday with him for his afternoon with Aunt Megan. I am not sure what we will do yet, he hasn't picked.
For the holiday Josh and I will be spending time at home just the two of us and we are looking forward to it.

My year was filled with fun, family and friends. I am making it a goal to post at least on a monthly basis, but I make no promises :)
Thank you for understanding.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

What I learned!

Thank you to my college, Facebook, and blog writing friend, Trish for reminding me of my blog and for the kick in the butt to start posting again.

The last time I posted it was April 2014... too long ago! A lot has changed! I will do my best to capture all that you have missed.

As my last post stated, as of January 2014 I had become unemployed. By April, I was starting to go stir crazy. I was missing structure, routine, and yes having a job. I was missing working for the American Cancer Society; the organization I thought I would retire from... I was wrong.

I continued to search for a job that I could do and I would enjoy. Here is how the rest of the year went.

In June I took a Director of Public Relations position with Care Free Medical. I enjoyed this position incredibly. Unfortunately, this position was only a part-time position. I knew it was great for the time being, but could not be my final stop.

In July, Kathy Lynch, best college friend ever, came to visit me here in MI. We had a great time, seeing the sites around time. I even got her to go on a 3 hour tube trip down a river... for those of you that know Kathy that is a big accomplishment on my part.

In Sept I took a full time position as the Executive Director for the Old Town Commercial Association. This position is in "my hood". I live just outside Old Town and now I would be able to help this area grow and thrive. I have enjoyed this position. It has it's challenges... daily, but I have enjoyed getting to know the community; the wonderful business owners, residence, and property owners. They have all been extremely welcoming.

Also in Sept I took an amazing road trip with my sister. We went back to our childhood home in Maine and visited it for the final time. My father sold our house in the fall of 2013, luckily the family who bought it was okay with Amanda and I going back for a visit. It was wonderful to see friend again and relive a piece of our childhood together. Walking through that house was weird, difficult and amazing. The house had a weird sense of "not ours" and yet still "home". I can't explain it, but I felt comfortable there and yet still out of place. We both got some wonderful pictures, that I hope to post later when I do my year in review - all pictures. This was a trip filled with memories that I will never lose. 

In February, I was lucky enough to start a relationship with a man who was there for me through this rough, unemployed time. He was (and is) fully supportive and willing to just listen to me get excited, disappointed, hopeful and discouraged all in the same day. I'm not sure how I would have made it through this past year without him.  In November, I was able to spend time with him and his family and get to know them a little more.

In December, Amanda, Matt, the nephews and I took a road trip to Florida to see my Dad and Jen for Christmas. It was a long trip down and back, but the stay was worth every second. It was nice to get a week with family, and enjoy some warm weather. 

This year had it's ups and downs, but here is what I learned: I was able to see who my friends were. I am happy to say that all of my friends came through for me with support. Everyone is busy and everyone has priorities that take their time, but all of my friends were there for me. Whether it was for just a dinner or drink to talk, a night out to distract me, a phone call to here me complain, lunch time talks while they were working and I was bored, or to help me make connections to move toward that next step. 

Even though being unemployed was stressful and not fun,  I am thankful that I had that time. It gave me extra time to spend with my family. I was able to do more things with my father, nephews and sister. The extra time also helped me focus on me and I was able to give time to starting a relationship; time that I usually gave to work. 

Although, this was a tough year, I have learned a lot about myself and just how precious time really is. I have experienced some losses this year; loss of dreams, loss of time with those I would have liked to know better, and loss of my childhood home. I have gained so much more; love, friends, time with family, memories that I will keep forever and most importantly I gained the sense strength in myself.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

What's next?

For the first time since I was 17 I don't have a job. I have no where to be in the morning, afternoon or evening. I held jobs during my Senior year of high school and all of college during the summers and some nights. When I graduated college I started "the real world of working." There were many years in my 20's when I held not one but two jobs working 60 hours a week to make ends meet. 

During my early 20's I jumped from job to job not sure what I wanted for a career. Then it happened, when I was 27 I took a job with the American Cancer Society. It was then I thought I had found it; the organization I would retire from. I held a position both in New England and here in Michigan. I enjoyed my time there. I met many amazing people; some of which I still keep in touch with to this day. Recently, my position was eliminated and I had to face a phase of my life that I never thought would happen: my last day at the ACS, being unemployed and searching for job once again. It has been six years since I had updated my resume, six years since I had to write a cover letter, six years since I had to visit websites like careerbuilder and monster. (Note for those looking - don't use those site they aren't great anymore). What was next? 

I always try to find the good in all situations. For the first month I was excited. I knew something great was out there for me. This was my chance to try something new and explore a different world. The second month, the constant applying was getting annoying but I was still hopeful that the "perfect" job would come around. Now, nearing the end of my third month unemployed I am frustrated, annoyed, and have a bitter feeling towards the ACS. I still have some hope that I will find something that is right for me, but that hope is diminishing. I am no longer searching for my perfect fit, I am searching for anything. Anything to get me out of the house, anything that will pay me.

I thought being unemployed I would get so much done around the house. Then I realized all those things I want to get done cost money. Money that I need to hold onto as much as I can since I don't know when more will be coming in. So when I am not on the internet searching for that perfect place for me I sit and watch tv, read, play with doggie and do whatever I can that is free and consumes some time. 

Who knew volunteering could be so hard. I have tried/offered to volunteer at several places. I am either told that I am not needed or they want me to commit to work week hours for 6 months to a year. I explain I can't do that because I might get a job soon and they are no longer interested.  

The not knowing is starting to weigh on me. Those of you who know me know that I like to plan things. I like to know what is coming down the road. This year I haven't been able to plan much. If I don't have a job things are financially hard to do, if I do have a job then I am not sure what my vacation time will look like. I no longer have the 27 days of vacation a year.

I am trying to see the bright side: some down time to recharge, a new adventure in life, and a chance to excel somewhere else. 

All in all my experience at the ACS was wonderful and I loved those I got to work with, but now it is time to move on. So I pose the question for you - What's next? I don't know what's next for me, but I still have a feeling it will be wonderful!

Saturday, December 28, 2013

My year in reveiw

It has been almost just over 11 months since I last posted on here. Guess I didn't follow the "I will post more in 2013" vow.

My 2013 was busy and has brought some big changes (most of which are yet to be defined). I was able to fill this year with family and friends once again.

In February Molly, Amanda, Racheal and I went to see Pentatonix live. They are a great group. The night was freezing, but that didn't stop us from waiting outside by their bus for pictures. Such groupies!

Photo Bomb!
Nice group shot with the ladies.

Just like any other year we celebrated all 3 of the boys birthdays at Amanda's. Such fun seeing them grow up. Most of the boys picked Brody Hall (on MSU's campus) for their "birthday dinner". I think they like it because it is buffet style and there so many choices it can be overwhelming.

2013 was a big year for some great friends of mine; Bonnie and Scott got engaged and the wedding festivities began. Bonnie asked me to be a bridesmaid and of course I accepted. First thing on the wedding to-do list; Bridal shower and wedding dress shopping. The Bridal Shower was in Washington DC and it was great to get back there. The weekend consisted of bridal dress shopping, a night out for the bridesmaids (and family) and the shower on Sunday. A friend, Emily (also a bridesmaid) and I drove to DC and back together. We had a great time catching up on the car ride. We even pushed the Prius to max and learned that just because the low fuel light is blinking doesn't mean you are "really" out of gas.

We found the dress.

Dinner with friends.


The entire bridal party.

The spring continued to be great for me professionally. The American Cancer Society was holding it's last year of Cancer Prevention Study 3 (CPS-3) and my office was chosen to host a few enrollment sites. Our goal was to enroll 500 people in CPS-3 and we went over that. It did take a little help from our friends though.

That is Tom Izzo, MSU Men's Basketball coach.. and ME! Yes, Tom enrolled.

I took some time out for me in 2013 went on a cruise to the Bahamas with Kathy. We had a great time. It was so relaxing to be fully unplugged and out in the sun. I got my first sunburn in almost 20 years. I wore sunscreen, I just didn't reapply like I should have - lesson learned. 
While on the trip we met some wonderful people. We are all Facebook friends now and if Kathy and I ever Alabama we know we have a place to stay. 

Looking out on the first port

We went snorkeling and clear bottom kayaking in this amazing water.

Just me and the frog.

I decided I wanted to get in better shape and joined a Fit Body Bootcamp class. I loved it. Unfortunately, my groupon ran out after just 6 weeks and I wasn't going without a groupon (the membership is pricey $$)  So I decided to take up running again. I started to train for the first Color Run to come to Lansing. I went with a group of friends and we had a blast.

Color run at the capital.
Color Me Happy!

We all had a great time and got really colorful. The run is coming back to Lansing for 2014 and I think I might be going again. Also, I bought another groupon for bootcamp and start going again on January 6th. I will need help as I am now officially out of shape. 

Not only did I spend time with family, but family came to see us as well. We had visitors from VA. My Aunt Pat, Uncle Bill, Cousin Shannon (and kids Anna Campbell and Easton), and Camryn came to visit. It was a pretty quick trip but a lot of fun. I can't believe how big the kids are getting. We took them all to the Binder Park Zoo and had a great time. About a month and a half later Shannon's brother, my cousin Brandon came to visit while on a LONG motorcycle trip across the nation. 

Even though I wasn't in the field staffing Relay For Life events this year, I still visited many and was able to have my first family team in here in Michigan. It was a lot of fun, we raised over $1200.00 and the kids loved it. I walked 15 miles and this year, my goal is more. If you want to donate to me for Relay For Life please do! Don't worry another ask will be coming soon - I am sure. 

September brought Bonnie's bachelorette party. This was here in Michigan. I housed some of the bridesmaids and we had a weekend filled with 80's music, Michigan foods, and a Tigers game. All in all fun 3-4 days. 

80's night.

2013 was filled with weddings. In October my friends Meaghan and Ben got married. It was a beautiful ceremony and I was pleased to be a part of it. 

Just about a month after this wedding Bonnie and Scott tied the knot in Miami over Thanksgiving weekend. This Thanksgiving I spent with friends. I did get sick again, but it was just a small cold. The wedding was beautiful and it was nice to be in Miami during what is normally a cold holiday in Michigan. 

Getting ready

Photo booth

Nothing like a Jewish wedding with pictures in
front of Christmas tree.
This year also brought some fun on the home front. I went for many hikes with Sandie - explored some new parks and played in the water. Sandie went through and graduated from doggie training.
Muddy day at the dog park

Hike in a state park and first time swimming off the leash

Sleeping during a day at Aunt Amanda's. 

2013 brought a lot of visits with family and friends. My sister and I took a trip to Pennsylvania to see out Grandmother and visit with my dad and his wife Jen on their move to Florida. We had a great few days together. Amanda, Dad and I were able to explore the old, abandoned brick mill that my Grandfather used to work in years ago. The place was incredible and great for pictures, but it also brought back a lot of memories for my father. For me - it was a wonderful memory to make. Exploring this fantastic place, taking pictures with my sister and father. Something all three of us love to do. It also reignited my passion for photography - all from my iphone. 

Looking back on 2013 I felt like the year was exhausting, mentally draining and very up in the air for me. Don't get me wrong - it was. There are still a lot of things in my life that have yet to settle (can't post on that now, but I will in a few weeks). But doing this post - I realized - my year was amazing. I had great times with great friends (some that didn't make this post), enjoyed my family and I was able to travel to places I have never been before. All in all I couldn't have asked for more in my year. 

My hope is start posting more in depth posts on my 2014 adventures. That may stop a long year in review post... like this one.  If you are still with me thanks for hanging in there!! Happy 2014 to you!!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Share the Good!!

Sometimes I turn on the news, hear a story and wonder, "What is happening to this world?" or "How did humanity end up like this?" or "What happened to that person that made them do that?" I think we all have those days. Unfortunately, there seems to be more bad news on the news than good.

In college I was a communications major. I thought I wanted to become a journalist. I used to say that I wanted to anchor the Today Show. After finally finishing all of my pre-rec courses I was able to take my first journalism class. I knew, even before sitting in my seat for the first time, that this class was the start of my future. I had no idea how that class would help shape my life later on.

My first assignment was to pick a topic (any topic) that I felt had an affect on campus. I don't remember what topic I picked. I don't remember who I chose to interview, but I do remember what my professor said when I turned in the first draft. He advised me that "although this is a good story, it is the bad news that sells papers. So try to find the underbelly of the story." The underbelly? I didn't want to find the underbelly. I was 20 years old. The world was still good to me. Not every story had an underbelly. I wasn't ready to take off the rose colored glasses. It was then that I decided that I didn't want to make my living looking for the negativity in the world. I wanted to work for the good and see the good in the world. This experience helped shape me. I don't think I knew it then, but I believe now that this experience helped me drive towards working in the non-profit industry.

Sometimes, not often, but sometimes a news story makes the rounds that brings a warm feeling to my heart. Sometimes, not often, these stories make the rounds nationally. It is these stories, people and life experiences that bring tears to my eyes; that show me not every news story has an underbelly. News stories like this prove that there is good in the world.

There is good in this world. It is up to us, as human beings, as people who want to help make a difference, to find those stories and share them. To show the media and today's children that good warms the heart, that good draws attention, that good brings ratings too, that good is cool!!

So please if you see someone do something good, share it! That is all I ask; just share the good.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Let's go Back In Time!

Let's go back in time (yeah you started singing that song a little in your head didn't you? Thank you Huey Lewis and the News cir 1985 and the film Back to the Future). 

My professional 2012 started out with a promotion and a lot of new responsibilities. I was challenged in ways I wasn't expecting and ultimately made a choice and career change that I never saw coming. In July I opted to apply for a new role as the Associate Director for the Mid-Michigan office and was hired for the position. The gain of this position brought on a plethora of new challenges and changes. An amazing co-worker put herself and family first and made the brave decision to stay at home. With that sad goodbye came a fun new welcome to a new co-worker. All of the changes have helped me learn a lot about myself; and I learned it faster than I ever wanted to. Work also put me on the road some. I ventured off to Houston, Grand Rapids and Fort Wayne.

My personal 2012 was filled with family.  I spent many a days and nights at the Grieshop house enjoying my nephews and watching them grow; and they are growing quickly. The boys and I had fun in the sun enjoying the warm weather that came early and left late this year. We played on playgrounds, outside around their house and around mine. We had several sleepovers, watched a few movies and even took a few trips to couple Relay For Life events.  Amanda and I were able to fit in some sister days of shopping, talking and just spending time together. We see these times continuing in 2013.  Also, my father and his wife Jen made a couple of trips out to visit. As always they helped me get a few things done around the house.

I took this show on the road to see some friends and family. To start the summer I took a trip to Boston to see "my second family" the Lynchs. I was able to see Kathy's new house and visit with her entire family. Kathy and I took some time out to drive up to Maine to visit my Dad and Jen, Emily, Robbie, Elijah and their now toddler, Alexander.
Lash brotherly love.

 Shortly after returning from this incredible time I sped off in my new Toyota Prius C to visit the Sterner clan in Virginia. The new lake house in NC was complete so we spent most of our time there, relaxing on the lake or embracing the view from the new deck.

View from the lake house in North Carolina.
It was a quick trip, but filled with a lot of fun. I thought this would be the last trip of the year, but I was wrong. A opportunity came about to head off to DC to visit my old roommate and co-worker Bonnie. It had been years since I had been to DC and being legal drinking age really changes the view of the city. I did things I never thought I would; like visit the floor of Congress and pose with President Barack Obama (or his wax figure).
This Bonnie and the Obamas.

Again, this was short trip, but so much fun. I am hoping to make another trip in 2013.

There had been a lot of travel in 2012 so I was excited at the thought of being home in Lansing for both Thanksgiving and Christmas. Thanksgiving didn't turn out quite like I had planned. The flu bug hit me and I was in bed - ill for all of Thanksgiving and the Friday following. The Christmas holiday was better. I took two and half weeks off of work to spend time with family and get some things done around the house. I painted some furniture, painted the kitchen, and for the first year since living here I decorated with out door Christmas lights. Illness didn't stay away, I had a few colds, but the big life change came about one week before my holiday vacation. I adopted a dog - Sandie - Merry Christmas to me and Sandie. 

Meet Sandie

She is a 2 year old half golden retriever and half yellow lab. She was trained when I got her and a complete love bug. She loves to give kisses and is now my baby girl. We both seem to fit into each others lives perfectly. She has helped me to take some focus off of work and enjoy the present more. She gives me laughs daily and sometimes some confusion. She has been the best addition to my household.

Speaking of additions around Thanksgiving my cousin Andy and his wife Erin became parents to a beautiful baby girl, Lilly Barrett and Kathy became an Aunt the day after her birthday (12/28) to her nephew, Edward Lynch. Congrats to all family involved.

These are my 2012 flashbacks. I hope your 2012 was also filled with friends, family, and fun. Mine wouldn't have been as fantastic without the love of all my friends and family. So make sure you give your love to those around you.

I hope 2013 is even better than 2012 for both you and me! Happy New Year!